Saturday, May 21, 2016

Baby Massengill #3

It's a BOY!  The Lord has blessed us with another baby boy due in August 2016.  Caleb and I had hoped for a third baby one day, and the Lord granted us this desire sooner than we imagined it could happen.  We are incredibly excited and feel incredibly blessed to be expecting him.  This pregnancy has been such a gift, but the first trimester was a bit of a challenge.  I had many days when I just felt exhausted and borderline worthless as a mom as I just laid on the couch watching Wilson and Wallace play.  Luckily, my energy came back by 13ish weeks, and I was able to do more fun things with them!

We found out around that same time that Baby #3 is a BOY.  We had a healthy 20 week anatomy scan, and I passed my glucose test.  I do have a slightly elevated amniotic fluid level again this time, but we trust that it will all be ok.  My belly is BIG, and I am constantly being asked (by some incredibly thoughtful people- NOT!)  if I'm sure there's just one baby and if I'm sure I'm not due in May.  And yes, yes, I'm sure.

I love feeling baby boy # 3 move around in my belly.  He's more active than the other 2.

Caleb and I truly are thrilled about it being another boy.  Wilson and Wallace love each other so much (most of the time), and we can only imagine the bond that these 3 brothers (all less than 4 years apart) will have.  Quite frankly, I've been offended by the comments about it not being a girl.  So many people have apologized to me or immediately asked me if we will try again for a girl.  Don't get me wrong.  If the Lord blessed us with a baby girl, we would be thankful for that too, BUT I love that the gender of our sweet, perfect children is one decision we do not have to make.  I love that the Lord is entrusting us with 3 sons.  

I can hardly believe that in just a few short weeks, we'll have 3 sons!  Praying for a smooth 3rd trimester, delivery, and healthy baby.  Thank you, Lord!!

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