Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekend at the Lake

2 weekends ago, we went to the lake house.  The weather was perfect for a lake weekend. Wilson hadn't been on the boat since last fall when he was oblivious to everything.  Now he's fully aware of what's happening.  

He is absolutely obsessed with little animals.  He wants to play with Jack and Izzy all the time!  He's not scared of them one bit.  In fact, Izzy is much more afraid of Wilson than Wilson is of her.

Wilson was being Papa Curt's co-captain of the ship!

The boys caught some big fish!

Wilson is starting to wear shoes a little more now.  He went boat shopping during the day on Saturday in this sweet hand me down outfit.

He got some practice walking time in.

And his latest trick is CLAPPING.  He loves it, and so do we!  Uncle John is good at teaching him new tricks.

We realized that playing cards while holding a napping baby was difficult so we improvised and brought the pack and play outside.

Somebody took a great nap on an afternoon boat ride.

That pack and play came in handy at the lake!

We also caught to see the sweet Harmon family before leaving on Sunday afternoon.  Wilson and Hampton are just 3 weeks apart.  They're gonna be great lake buddies.

Boat naps...ahhhhh!

And Wilson ended the trip by watching Papa Curt slice up the weekend's catches.  Yuckola!

It was a fun, pretty weekend at Lake Murray!

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