Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wallace 12 month Stats and Chair Pics

It's hard to believe we did our last round of "chair pictures" with Wallace today.  12 months came and went so quickly!

You were way too busy for a still picture.

You also had a healthy well visit today.  Praise the Lord for a good report.  I asked Dr. Edwards if you seemed "ok and normal," and she replied that you're "advanced!"  Ha!  I always had lots of questions at Wilson's well visits, but that was my only one with you today.  Healthy and normal are good words to hear about your baby.

You had a normal hemoglobin and did great with your vaccines - even your 2nd flu shot.
 Your stats:

Weight:  21 lbs, 11.5 oz 57%
Height: 30 inches 56%
Head Circ: 46.9 cm 73%

You're growing perfectly.  We don't take it lightly to hear a good report at your well check.  The Lord has blessed us with 2 healthy boys!