Thursday, January 6, 2011

Paper Dolls

I love getting snail mail.  Especially real snail mail, not bills and boring adult stuff.  It doesn't happen very often, but it makes my day when it does.  Well, I got the cutest thing in the mail one day last week that made my WEEK.
(sorry for the terrible picture, but the blackberry camera is all we've got at the moment.  the big camera is on its way home though)

Brittany is one of my best friends from PC, and we were actually roommates junior year.  She is getting married to Matt on November 5, and I get to be a bridesmaid!  I am soooo excited!  She is so fun and creative, obviously from the paper dolls.  She made 144 of those things.  Whoa.  I have loved when my friends have done cutesy things asking to be a bridesmaid.  

Can't wait for the Flowe-Reese wedding in November!  Love ya'll : )

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