Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mother's Day

I'm a week behind with this post, but I wanted to make sure I remember Mother's Day 2012.  After a whirlwind wedding weekend, we decided to have a laid back Mother's Day celebration.  It was a bittersweet day for all of us, our first Mother's Day without Mama.  It has been almost a year since she went to Heaven, and I am sure she celebrated with lots of fun up there.  I remembered Mother's Day at the lake last year and just watching Mama laugh and listen to her talk.  She was the sweetest, most kindhearted woman I ever knew.  I would give anything to have her back as the Matriarch of the Blackwood family and watch her giggle while she opens our ridiculous Mother's day gifts.

I love this picture of Mama Deanie with her 4 children who she loved so dearly.  Unconditionally.  And they all love her so, so much.

This picture from Mother's Day 2011 will always be one of my favorites.  We miss you every day, Mama, and especially on Mother's Day.  Thank you for teaching me about how to be a mother.

Caleb and I are SO blessed to have our moms and for the many valuable lessons they teach us every day.  They would both do anything for us, anytime.

Here's mom with her 3 kiddos.  Thanks, Mom, for always bending over backwards to meet our every need.  You care for us, call us (sometimes way too early in the morning, HA), cook for us, and show us what it means to be a parent.  As I prepare to be a mom in just a few short months, I hope and pray I can use some of the things you have taught me to be a great mom to our son.

Although we don't see Caleb's mom as much because she lives farther away, we learn so much from her about being a mother, too.  She loves her 3 children and now 3 grandchildren (almost 4), and she shows it all the time.  I am so thankful for the relationship Caleb has with his mom.  They say you can tell a lot about a guy by the way he treats his Momma, and I think that makes Caleb a pretty stand up guy ; )

While we missed Mama so much, we remember our moms and the fact that I'll be a Mom with a child to celebrate next year on Mother's Day.  What huge blessings!!!

Wilson did give me a really sweet card this year, and Wilson's daddy gave me just what I asked for... a handgun.  I don't even know what it's called, but I wanted a little gun to have just in case I ever needed it.  Not the most romantic pregnant-Mother's day gift, but it's just what I wanted.  It kinda cracks me up.  I just wanna be a prepared Mom in case anybody ever tries to mess with us ; )

Thanks, Mom and Marcia for all you do for us!  We love ya'll!

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