Thursday, August 12, 2010


 I loveeee football, especially college football.  Maybe I love the socializing aspect of it the most, but I still love it.  Plus, out of all the sports out there, I think I understand the rules of football the most.  Maybe.

I can't believe it's almost time for Game Day on Saturday mornings, tailgate planning, and cute school color themed outfits.  Heck, I guess it IS that time considering I just saw one of the Carolina Panthers score a touchdown on TV.  Yes, our TV is already set to automatically tune in to football games (ahem, Caleb...).

I can't wait to watch PC, UGA, Clemson, USC, and whoever else I decide to like that day.  Caleb says I'm a fair weather fan.  I say I like winners.

On a different sport, I heard poor Chipper Jones tore his ACL.  Is this true?  My mom will be devastated.  She's more of a baseball fan.

Anyway, I really can't wait for cooler temperatures, turtlenecks, and FOOTBALL!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

hooray for turtle necks!