Friday, February 24, 2012

Telling Mama Deanie

Some of you may think telling my grandma who went to Heaven in June about our baby on the way is silly, weird, or other things.  But it was a must for Caleb and me.  I don't know if anybody else even knows we did it, but we did.  And it was very special.  

On Christmas Day, Caleb and I went by Mama's grave on our way to Christmas dinner.  We stood there for a while, said a prayer for her sweet life, and then informed her of our pregnancy.  We weren't there very long, but those few moments were truly special.

Mama and I talked about when Caleb and I would have children before she passed away.  She always told me not to rush it, to enjoy each other, and to enjoy our kiddos when we do have them.  She was very young when she got married and had children very young.  Well, the first 2.  She and Papa almost had 2 different sets of children with the big age difference, but that's another story for another day.

Anyway, we know she's in Heaven praising Jesus for Baby Massengill, and that makes us smile.  Believe me, I'd give anything to have her back here to tell in person, but she heard the news either way.  One other very special detail:  Mama's birthday is in August.  How amazing that the Lord is giving us another sweet life to celebrate in the same month.  His timing is wonderful!

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