Saturday, September 15, 2012


Wilson is currently content in his Mamaroo with his paci so I decided to attempt a quick blog.  It's about nothing important, just our new typical Saturday.

We had a great night last night with the little guy.  I fed him at 10:30 pm, and he made it till 3:30 am for his next feeding.  I've been trying to take all the middle of the night stuff during the week so Caleb could sleep (since he is the one actually working right now).  So he let me sleep thru that 3:30 feeding, and Caleb gave Wilson a bottle of pumped breast milk.  Granted, the baby did have a bit of a melt down around 12:30 so I rocked him back to sleep then.  But I essentially slept from 1-3:30, and went right back to sleep till 6:30 am.  It was glorious!

Wilson woke us at 7 am  (i am NOT complaining).  I fed him, and he came back to our bed for some play time and cuddling.  He then decided to start spitting up around 8 so Caleb managed him while I cooked breakfast, bacon egg and cheese sandwiches.  Yum.

We sat on the back deck for a little while until he started fussing like a crazy man at 9.  We tried the usuals...diaper change, burp, get him to sleep, etc., but he wasn't having it.  Homeboy was hungry AGAIN.  Seriously, as soon as I fed him, he was a happy man and took a 1.5 hour nap on Daddy's shoulder and in the swing.  What did I do during that time?  I ran a mile.  It was the first time I had run in a LONG time, and it felt great.  Then I even had time to shower AND straighten my hair!  Yay for Caleb cuddling little man!

Now Caleb is out cutting grass while we wait for the PC game to start (he better hurry), and we'll be heating up some leftovers for lunch.  (Thanks Courtney and Rebecca for the dinner last night.  We loved it so much we're eating it again today!)

As far as the rest of the day goes, we'll be watching football, feeding the baby (we do that a lot!), giving him a bath, and going to Greenville.  We need to pick up a new swaddle at Babies R Us, and then we're having dinner at the Epps!  At least that's the plan.  I've learned that "the plan" these days is kinda up to Mr. Wilson though : )

Happy Saturday!  Random bath picture from the lake 2 weeks ago... : )

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