Sunday, November 4, 2012

12 weeks

Wilson is 12 weeks old today!  I'm not sure why, but 12 weeks sounds so old to me!  He really has grown up so much lately.  He's changing so fast, and I want to remember every little detail.

At 12 weeks:

-I still eat every 3 hours during the day.  I've gone 3.5-4 hours at times, but only if I'm good and asleep or really busy.
-I'm finishing up all the size 1 diapers we had.  We'll be moving up to size 2 once we run out!
-I wear 3 month clothes
-I sleep in my crib in a footed sleeper.  Instead of my giraffe, we now use a website Daddy found to give me white noise.  My night light stays on all night.
-Mommy comes in and nurses me when I wake up, usually 4-5 hours after my last feeding.  Then if I wake up again before 7 am, Daddy comes in to get me back to sleep.
-I drool and talk a lot.
-I eat my hands all the time.  They're yummy!
-I'm still rolling front to back during tummy time.  My parents think I like tummy time, but they're wrong.
-I love to lay on my playmat, kicking my legs and batting at my toys.
-Bathtime is lots of fun.  I usually get clean before my last feeding at night.  I smile at Mommy a lot then.
-My Daddy gets lots of my smiles.  He's so funny.
-I light up when Gigi comes in at 8 every morning.  She says I'm a good boy every day.
-I stayed in the nursery at church for the first time this morning.  I slept in my car seat the whole time...a good ole 2 hour morning nap!
-I love being entertained by people talking to me.
-I weigh over 14 pounds.

We love you, little buddy!!!

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