Monday, October 28, 2013

Deacon John

It's not everyday you get to watch your brother be ordained as a deacon.  But last Sunday, we did just that.  John was elected as a deacon at Tabernacle several weeks ago, and our whole family came to be a part of the special deacon ordination service.  It's been really cool watching John (and Brittnee) grow in his faith.  I can't wait to see how the Lord uses him at TBC.

Jeanie hosted a lunch for everyone at her house after church.  Wilson was thrilled with the location mainly because Bella and Gracie would be there.  His obsession with dogs is real.

He sat in a real chair to eat for the first time.  Well, he sits in a little chair at a table at school every day, but we've been using our high chair at home.  I forgot his little seat so big chair it is!

He loves being chased!

I'm not so sure he loves Uncle Sonny though, HA!  He's a pretty intimidating man...

Deacon John and his wife!  

Aunt Linda gave Wilson a little trim after lunch.  Thanks!!

Again, the dogs...  I really should let Wilson have a dog, but I just don't have the patience for a puppy.

Even though most of the pictures are of Wilson, we did have lots of fun celebrating John!

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