Monday, March 10, 2014

Friends Mountain Weekend!

I have some incredible girlfriends from college, and I love getting together with them.  In the past, we've just done girls weekends, but we decided to have the whole families this year since there are FIVE new babies.  5 kids in 1 house was so much fun!!!  I'm so glad we had the whole families there to see each other!

We stayed at a precious house on Lake Lure and arrived on Friday night (see previous post).  We woke up Saturday morning to some kiddos ready to play!  Kyle wasn't able to come with Lacey because of work so we missed him.  But Aunt Lacey was extremely helpful with these wild ones.

I had the bright idea to put the kids in this chair for a pajama pic.  It worked out really well.

NOT.  Patrick was the most impressed of all, HA!

King Wilson is like "get outta my chair!"  Spoiled much?!

Mommies and Babies!  We sat around watching them all play together and catching up on each other's lives.  It was such a fun, relaxing time together.  The guys - oh they're off downstairs doing manly things.

4 cute kids!  Waiting on Carter and her family to arrive!

Caleb and Matt took their boys out in the SNOW, without coats.  What cool dads!  This trip was right after the big blizzard, and we were all afraid we weren't gonna be able to make it.  But the roads cleared just in time.

Good luck with getting those 2 maniacs still in one lap, Cam Cam!

I knew Banks and Wilson would have fun together, but I never in a million years could have predicted how much fun.  They are only a few days apart, and it showed.  They are into the exact same things, mainly chasing each other.  They played together so well and exerted lost of little boy energy.  It was so exciting watching them become best friends.

The girls and kids went for a walk later on Saturday while the guys played some football.  We walked outside to check on them and found Caleb, alone, at the top of the hill.  Somehow he always ends up being the guinea pig of every game Matt and J make up.  I'm not sure who enjoys it more.  Their "games" are always entertaining.  Caleb left this one covered in mud...

We got out the tripod and timer for a group pic on Saturday night.  Looking good, Matt and J.

I love all these people!  It's kinda crazy we ALL went to PC together.  I wonder how many of the kiddos will go there, too.

Patrick, Carter, Wilson, Banks, and Piper.  Piper was obviously not feeling the baby group pic, but she sure looks cute ; )

"What's wrong with her?"  We really should teach our kids not to stare.

I think Carter has a little crush on Wilson…  Lay on down, girlfriend.

5 mommies and 5 babies.  I pray we never take these sweet blessings for granted - our friendship and our children.  How amazing!!!

I love these girls more than anything, and my life is sweeter because of their friendship.  I'm beyond thankful that God brought us all together at PC (and before for most).  I pray this tradition never ends.


By the time we tried for a group pic, we got this.

We split up the meals and had them all at home, much easier than trying to go out.  These 2 loved eating together.

Once the kids were in bed, we played a ridiculous amount of "person, place, or thing" and made memories with that game that can't compare.  

It was a truly wonderful weekend, and I already can't wait till next time!

1 comment:

Cameron said...

1. you got some fabulous shots of me
2. some of these pics are priceless
3. where is the pic of wilson's massive goose egg?

love you and all these families! wouldn't trade the time we spend with each other each year for the world!